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Read Now your House

HouseReader is a computer vision project that converts a video of your residence into a presentation, including space distribution, household items, insights and estimated cost of your home's interior
(Please, follow the instructions before sending your video. No data is stored after processing the video. Open beta testing)


Processing a video of your home in HouseReader is a simple and effective process. Follow these two key guidelines to achieve the best result:

1) Record spaces while keeping distance: When recording, start from the entrance of each room, maintaining a certain distance. This provides a complete and clear perspective of each room.

2) Avoid repeating the same rooms: For a thorough and efficient analysis, each video segment should show a different space. Repeating rooms could confuse or slow down the analysis process


Use Cases



Check out the following video where the process of recording a home and the result of using HouseReader is shown:

And final report generated by HouseReader app will be something like this:

Contact Me

If you liked HouseReader project and want to know more about it, give some feedback or contact me, you can use the following channels: